

Neville Endeavours Foundation received 45 tons of relief material from various states and the same was distributed on different dates and venue to the people affected by the flood in Chennai and Cuddalore!!

45 TONES OF RELIEF MATERIAL have been distributed from 4th December till date.. through Neville Endeavours Foundation. All the above relief materials have been distributed completely till date, find details below.

  • 8 tones received from Cumbum, Theni on 4th Dec distributed by D2D team at the venue (Rice / Banana / fresh Vegetables / Water / Biscuits / Buns / Bread / Dhal etc.)
  • 2 tones received from Chennai through Pepsi distributed by D2D team at the venue on 5th & 6th Dec (Water 2000 litres in 1L bottles)
  • 10 tons received from Bangalore through Radio Mirchi on 6th Dec distributed by D2D team at the venue (Cloths / Water / Candles & Match box / Mosquito coils / Torch / First-aid kit / Juice / Milk powder / Medicine / Biscuits / Bread / Bedsheets / Tarpaulin / Towels / Water purification tablets etc.)
  • 4.5 tones of water received from Vijayawada on 9th Dec distributed by D2D team at the venue on 11th, 12th & 13th Dec (Water 4500 litres in 1L bottles)
  • 3 tones received from a well-wisher (Rice / Dhal / Oil) ) received on 12th Dec distributed by D2D team, which was sent to various relief camps and to the Blind association – personally handed over through RTI 94.
  • 8 tones received from Cumbum, Theni on 13th Dec (Medicine / Mat / Bedsheets / Blankets / Rice / Banana / Water / Biscuits / Bread / Towels / Toiletry items complete set., etc.) which was distributed to various relief camps and to the people who were affected by flood.
  • 6 tones of items received from Bangalore on 13th Dec through Radio Mirchi (Medicine for Bluecross for animals / General Medicines / Bedsheets / Biscuits / Bread / Toiletry items / cloths etc.)
  • 95 boxes received from Bangalore on 13th Dec (Hanes Men’s vest and brief – Women’s panties & bras – 8401 pieces) distributed by D2D team, which was sent to various relief camps
  • 2000 lunch packets received from NAC Jewellers, which was sent to Manali via boat on 4th Dec – distributed by RTI Area 2 (Lunch pack)
  • 1800 blankets received from JITO (Jain International Trade Organisation), Bangalore on 5th Dec distributed by D2D team and RTI 94 (Blankets sent to Manali and other parts of Chennai)
  • 1500 lunch packets received from NAC Jewellers on 5th Dec which was sent to different parts of Chennai distributed through RTI 94. (Lunch pack)
  • 1500 lunch packets received from NAC Jewellers on 7th Dec which was sent to different Nandanam YMCA by D2D team. (Lunch pack)
  • MOBILE MEDICAL CAMP was also conducted jointly with Chennai Runners and D2D on 12th Dec. at different locations of Chennai with Doctors who volunteered to help us with the mobile medical camp. Also, our Volunteers accompanied the mobile medical camp vehicle to help the Doctor.

We had about 120 volunteers who have been a part of this mission for the distribution of the above items!! Thank you volunteers!! Thank you so much for the volunteers, students, elders, whom I have not personally known but came forward to help us with the distribution.

Wish to also thank Sujata Vijay, Bamboola School for providing us the space for distribution. Special thanks to NAC Jewellers for providing lunch and dinner pack that were provided to the needy.

Also, wish to thank many others especially Chennai Runners, Chennai Volunteers, The Quad team, Just Buy Cycles team, RTI 94 members and D2D team volunteers who came forward to help with the distribution!!

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